Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Tenessee Williams essays

Tenessee Williams essays Thomas Lanier Williams was born on March 26, 1911 in Columbus, Mississippi. He lived a traditional home and had two other siblings. He had one sister named Rose and a brother named Brian. His father was a shoemaker and his mom was a housewife who stayed home and cooked and cleaned. His father and mother were repeatedly in fights about their wealth. His father was a raging alcoholic and often fell asleep with his liquor bottle in his hand. As he grew up he moved from state to state looking for a place to settle down. When he moved to New Orleans he changed his name to Tennessee because Tennessee is the state that where his father was born. In the 1950's many things were happening that made life hard. Some of these problems were things that all Americans were facing such as WWII and the end of the depression. These two events are huge factors because when the soldiers came back from the war they were looking for the money that they were promised, because of the depression the government did not have them money that they had to give out. When this happened they taxed the families of America just like the Williams family. With these taxes going on Tennessee's parents got in many fights. His parents like all Americans only made about 12,000 dollars a year. As he grew up he was into writing. Tennessee's had many great works. The ones that were widely known though out the county were "Cat on a Hot Tin Roof", "A Street car Named Desire" and, "The Glass Menagerie". In the words of (It was one of Williams best play know to date, If not it was by for his most powerful play.) William Becker. This play has to deal with his own life more then another one of his play because he based it on his own family and his extremely harsh childhood. Another part of his life also comes out in all of his plays and especially this one such as him being a homosexual, and an alcoholic. This play is a great example of this because Magic or his sister...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Essential Tips to Mind Dealing with University Homework

Essential Tips to Mind Dealing with University Homework Essential Tips to Mind Dealing with University Homework You may be comfortable and confident with the way that you were taught to complete written assignments and assessments during your secondary school years, but undoubtedly you will find that when you move on to college, university, or other tertiary studies that the expectations are at a whole different level. When you are completing your homework or assessments for your university studies, there are a lot of things to think about. Achieving good grades during your university studies requires you to follow some specific ways of structuring your work, demonstrating the process that you have followed to build your arguments and support your conclusions. In this article, we will take a look at some of the key aspects of written assessment or homework that you need to bear in mind when you are tackling your university homework. Profound Research One of the most important elements of your written research is demonstrating that you have identified and understood the research that is available on the topic that you are addressing. Often, this will be presented as a literature review, you need to be able to clearly articulate what the current research and thinking are on the chosen topic. If you are conducting additional, original research, then you need to clearly document this and include your findings in your writing to demonstrate how it supports the argument that you are making and the conclusions that you have reached. Supported Claims This level of university assessment requires you to be able to illustrate your writing with the facts needed to back up any claims that you are making. You have to be able to verify what you are saying this type of assessment is not an opinion piece. If you are making any sort of claim or assertion, then you need to be able to demonstrate what you are basing those claims on. Creative Skills Your university studies are a great opportunity to develop and demonstrate your critical thinking and creative approach to problem-solving. It is important that you are not simply repeating what everyone else has already said on a specific subject. You need to try and find a fresh point of view or a fresh perspective on the subject that you are writing about. Professional Language The language that you use when writing your assessment or homework is almost as important as what you are actually saying. You need to present your information and arguments clearly, professional, using a neutral tone, not an emotive tone. Think of it as speaking to someone that you have not met before, not one of your close friends. You need to impress them with your ability to clearly convey and explain your point of view. Whatever subject you are studying or whatever level of studies you have reached, ensuring that you bear in mind the basic principles required to achieve great grades in your assessments will get you a long way. Do not let yourself be overwhelmed by the amount of work that you need to complete, prioritize the most important things you need to get done, stay focused, and keep working towards your academic aspirations. If you need help with your university homework assignment, dont hesitate to contact our online homework writing service with academic experts you can fully rely on.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How Gene Luen Yang's Life contributes To the Novel American Born Essay

How Gene Luen Yang's Life contributes To the Novel American Born Chinese - Essay Example Monkey King is a master of the kung-fu arts, and this makes him be adored by his subjects and the most powerful monkey on the earth. However, the Monkey King wants to be recognized as god and not a monkey. Chin-Kee is a typical Chinese stereotype and he keeps on ruining his cousin’s (Danny) life. Danny is a great basketball player and a famous kid at school. However, each year Chin-Kee visits; he is forced to transfer to another school so that he escapes the shame. These three unrelated stories make up the comic novel â€Å"American Born Chinese† (Barnes&Noble 1). Themes The main theme in the comic novel is the attempt to fit in. There is tension between cultural forces and the essential self. In the storyline â€Å"Everyone Ruvs Chin-Kee,† American stereotypes are expressed by Gene Luen Yang’s narration as sitcom. The use of sitcom in this novel is proper because it is a genre that is mostly used in describing stereotypes. Chin-Kee as a typical Chinese is the part that Yang wants to deny in order to fit in with his white friends or peers. Chin-Kee offers nothing important to others in the context of the Chinese culture. This is because he is antiquated and dressed in the Chinese attire, speaks in Chinese accent, and instigates practices that the westerners find to be detestable (Pulliam 1). Chin-Kee eats cats and he is intensely patriarchal. He wants to look for an American girl who is big-breasted and whose feet he is able to bind so that he can have children with her. He plays horrible jokes on his peers, and he does not at all understand proper western behavior. Although Chin-Kee conforms to the stereotypic culture that all Asians are smart, in his case, the knowledge he has, is not useful at all. All the knowledge he has, is to popularize himself in the class and this makes him a laughing stock in an American high school. Yang has become completely assimilated as a Caucasian just like his parents. When it is time for Chin-Kee to leave, each of the parents believes that Chin-Kee is the relative of the other. This demonstrates the degree Jin’s parents have become assimilated (Pulliam 1). The Monkey King story represents the instance of Yang in regard to whom he really is and his culture. Just like the Monkey King, Yang tries to deny his actual self. At the end, the Monkey King must humbly accept who he is just like the monk Wong Lai-Tsao. According to Wong Lai-Tsao, this is the strategy to true transcendence, and it removes the suffering. The monk (Wong Lai-Tsao), â€Å"is free of want because he is free of ego that would make him want what he cannot have† (Pulliam 1). Among the four monks, he is the only monk who has attained legendary status in ancient times and his gifts are said to be remarkable. Wong Lai-Tsao was a master of being humble unlike the other monks who were either masters of bodily needs for movement or food or master rhetoricians. The monk is able to free the Monkey King from prison; he does this by telling him to accept his monkey form and give up all the other forms. If the Monkey King could have done that a long time, he would have been freed from prison. Just like Wong Lai-Tsao, the Monkey King is happy in his true form (the monkey form). Thus, Yang can only find happiness when he accepts who he is (Pulliam 1). Style The comic novel unfolds in three sections: a modern version of the Monkey King myth; the fake-sitcom of â€Å"